Apr 21, 2022
Water Writing Workshop
Check out the Write & Shine Library

Jul 3, 2020
Are We There Yet?
Tired of stiff upper lipping the age old status quo, many professional people of colour in their fields took to communicating to gatekeepers how things, as they stand, are simply put unacceptable.

May 19, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirty-Six
I woke up reliving parts of yesterday, which was highlighted by my first ever Zoom meeting during this shutdown (with old friends and family) and culminated with witnessing negative fuel prices as the oil industry was plunged into chaos by Covid-19.

May 18, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirty-Five
Riley has officially pushed Bear out of the bedroom, jumping into the space he vacates to make himself coffee and declaring it her own for…

May 17, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirty-Four
My day begins with ‘cat paw in face’ at 7.02am. The morning is grey and dark and Riley wants to be entertained.

May 16, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirty-Three
Watching videos on how to make cinnamon rolls has now taken over the space in my life I reserved for Tiger King.

May 15, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirty-Two
Pesach officially came to end yesterday evening and was celebrated via pasta.

May 14, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirty-One
I’m beginning to adapt to my new alarm system, triggered at 5.45am when Riley treads the length of my body to stop and stare at my face…

May 13, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirty
Men of the world: what is it with the balled up socks in the laundry basket? Why on earth can’t you put them in there to be washed ‘as…

May 12, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Nine
We’re awoken early by Riley.

May 11, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Eight
The skies are grey when we wake up and the temperature has only dipped a little but it’s enough to change our moods, plummeting us into the…

May 10, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Seven
Today is Easter Sunday. It’s also my Mum’s birthday as Bear and my sixth year anniversary. That’s a lot of hats for one day in quarantine…

May 9, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Six
So the mosquito roll arrived a few days ago, only Bear didn’t say anything... On this new frontier we’re navigating, this is the kind of…

May 8, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Five
We wake up feeling the spirit of a public holiday, but it’s business as usual in France, where work still continues for those that are…

May 7, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Four
EV calls us in the morning to report he’s making a shopping trip to Albi and asks us whether we need anything. It’s become the new ‘how…

May 6, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Three
Today is the beginning of Pesach, which marks the beginning of an eight day journey where Bear’s and my religion clash so that we…

May 5, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-Two
While there are some things that make our countryside existence read like a fairytale to city-dwellers, there are things I miss from my…

May 4, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty-One
My phone app declares the temperature to be 21 degrees but the thermostat on the wall in the garden reads 24 edging its way up to 25. My…

May 3, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twenty
We wake up groggy after a fitful night of sleep. Bear had been afraid to dream, terrified that Riley might enact her revenge after…

May 2, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Nineteen
Work continues on the concrete path and although the progress is slow it’s extremely rewarding to watch our garden growing. It’s become a…

May 1, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Whatever aka Day Eighteen
I’m starting to hallucinate items in the fridge — that, or Bear is eating them faster than I can prepare them how I’d planned.

Apr 30, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Seventeen
I am…. Bored.com!

Apr 29, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Sixteen
The day starts with a neighbourly exchange of eggs as one of our friends texts to say she’s making the delivery. Many of the local farmers…

Apr 28, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Fifteen
It’s now beginning to feel very real and unending, this enforced quarantine. No matter how chirpy one is upon waking, the hours one has to…

Apr 27, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Fourteen
During our West London days, one of Bears treats for himself was having his beard trimmed by the local barber. He would marvel at the…

Apr 26, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Thirteen
Riley has settled into life with us, which feels incredible. We adopted her from a refuge just over an hour away, a little after the new…

Apr 25, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Twelve
I wake up intent on tidying after having shared a photo of Riley with DD the day before and receiving her shocked commentary about the…

Apr 24, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Eleven
The day starts out at the pharmacy where new rules are in place and only one person is allowed in per family. I wait in a newly lined box…

Apr 23, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Ten
I woke up, which means I actually went to sleep, unlike night of Day Seven when my brain decided to throw a firework party featuring Blue…

Apr 22, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Eight
This day will be a write-off surely as at just before midnight yesterday I heard the knocking (by knocking I mean I.C.E agent door…

Apr 22, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Nine
So I caved.

Apr 22, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Seven
I lied before when I said we don’t know how to shop in bulk; we don’t know how to consume slowly.

Apr 21, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Six
Either I require much more drama in my daily life than I previously recognised or I’m subconsciously challenging myself to see what I’ll…

Apr 20, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Five aka Happy Bear’s
Celebrate, good times, come on!

Apr 19, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Four
We discovered our first personal casualty in the crisis — Minnie, my runaround car, whose battery was changed only two weeks ago, has once…

Apr 19, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Three
I watched a video forwarded from a friend that put me to shame. I’d been patting myself on the back for what I’d considered as stockpiling…

Apr 19, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day Two
I woke up wondering how to turn Riley’s dry chicken pellets into a pie if it came down to it.

Apr 18, 2020
Things We Ate In The Lockdown: Day One
Day One

Apr 18, 2020
Things We Ate In the Lockdown
Le Deluge